Tamanna Bhatia Sexy Girl And India Actresses Best Picture-Sweet Smiles

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Now let’s see what to say when you first meet sexy girl here are several casually direct openers you’re going to use; I like you,you have a beautiful smile.I like you, and I would like to get to know you.You are beautiful. I like you.You know how you look? You look like someone I should meet.Choose one of the above and use it.These are very unique opening lines.

Sexy girl has probably never heard anything like this from a guy before. It’s honest and nonthreatening.Approaching her with such an opener is like her Prince Charming appearing out of the blue.She has waited for that moment since the beginning for a real Man to come.Agree man ?

How you deliver those lines is very important. You are in a club full of girls. Choose a sexy girl that you really like. Don’t make excuses or compromises and say, “That girl is too hot for me, so I’ll approach a less good-looking one.”I want you to approach one of the sexy girl in the club, and I know you can do it.When you have selected your target,start by going straight up to her, whether she’s sitting at the bar, dancing on a table, talking to her friends or just standing somewhere.You can do it ?

Look at her while approaching, whether sexy girl notices you and looks back or not.Don’t try to hide and approach from the side or from the rear. Take the shortest route possible, and go straight toward her. If there are people in the way, gently push them aside. Don’t let them distract you, and don’t start apologizing for pushing them away, because it can ruin your Manly stance.Even if she is with her friends and not alone,always go straight up to your target sexy girl and ignore the rest of the group. If they see that she likes you which she will they won’t block you.

Below is the sexy girl from India here name Tamanna Bhatia ,born December 21 1989 ..wow still young .








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